Position Name Affiliation E-mail
Advisor Hae Myung Jeon Catholic University Korea hmjeon55@gmail.com
Ho-Seong Han Seoul National University hanhs@snubh.org
Jae Moon Bae Sungkyunkwan University jmoonbae@naver.com
Moon-Soo Lee Soonchunhyang University msslee@schmc.ac.kr
Jeong-Meen Seo Sungkyunkwan University jm0815.seo@samsung.com
Sang-Jae Park National Cancer Center spark@ncc.re.kr
President Seung Wan Ryu Keimyung University koreagsman@gmail.com
Auditor Ji-Young Sul Chungnam National University jysul@cnu.ac.kr
Sung Geun Kim The Catholic University of Korea sack@catholic.ac.kr
Director of Future Planning Committee In Kyu Lee The Catholic University of Korea cmcgslee@catholic.ac.kr
Director of Scientific Committee Chi-Min Park Sungkyunkwan University dr99.park@samsung.com
Director of Educational Committee JAE MYEONG LEE Korea University ljm3225@hanmail.net
Director of International Committee Hyuk-Joon Lee Seoul National University appe98@snu.ac.kr
Director of Multidisciplinary Committee Kyung Won Seo Kosin University kwseo@office.kosin.ac.kr
Director of External Relation Committee Dong-Seok Han Seoul National University handongseok@gmail.com
Director of the Medicolegal Affairs Committee Myoung-Won Son Soonchunhyang University mwson@schmc.ac.kr
Director of Insurance Affairs Committee Jong Hoon Park  Daegu Fatima Hospital pjh41133@daum.net
Director of Secretary of Liaison Committee Min-Gew Choi Sungkyunkwan University mingew.choi@samsung.com
Director of NST Committee So-Hyun, Nam Inje University d011029@naver.com
Director of Ethics Committee Yong Beom Cho  Sungkyunkwan University gschoyb@gmail.com
Director of ERAS Committee Do Joong Park Seoul National University djparkmd@snu.ac.kr
Director of Research and Development Committee In Woong Han Sungkyunkwan University cardioman76@gmail.com
Jin Soo Kim Chungnam National University jskim7562@gmail.com
Director of Secondary Hospital Committee Donghyeon Choi  Han sarang Hospital greatcdh@naver.com
Director of Treasury Committee Sanghoon Lee Sungkyunkwan University sanghoone.lee@samsung.com
Director of Informatics Committee Jae Do Yang Jeonbuk National University yjd@jbnu.ac.kr
Director of Editorial Committee Suk-Kyung Hong University of Ulsan skhong94@amc.seoul.kr
Director of Compilation Committee Bum Soo Kim Kyung Hee University kbs420@hanmail.net
Director of Public Relations Committee Mi Ran Jung Chonnam National University zuchum@naver.com
Secretary General In Gyu Kwon  Yonsei University surgeon@yuhs.ac
Vice Secretary General Geum Jong Song Soonchunhyang University gjsong@schmc.ac.kr
Sung Hyun Kim Yonsei University ohliebe@yuhs.ac
Director without Portfolio Dong Woo Shin Hallym University shin519@gmail.com
Hee Chul Yu  Jeonbuk National University hcyu@jbnu.ac.kr
Jae Gil Lee Ewha Womans University jakii71@gmail.com
Jeong Goo Kim The Catholic University of Korea kalgs@catholic.ac.kr
Joon Seong Park Seoul National University jspark330@snu.ac.kr
Moo Jun Baek Soonchunhyang University ssurge@sch.ac.kr
Young-Kyu Park Chonnam National University parkyk@jnu.ac.kr